
Kursa apraksts

for the treatment of hemorrhoids

The isolated peptides strengthen the vascular wall, increase venous tone, normalize bowel function, accelerate reparative processes in mucous membranes, and normalize stool.
First month
for the treatment of hemorrhoids
92.00 €
Revilab SL 01 Strengthen the vascular wal
Ardiliv Increase venous tone
Digemax Normalizes bowel function
Second month
for the treatment of hemorrhoids
167.00 €
Ventfort №60 Strengthen the vascular wall
Ardiliv Increase venous tone
Olecap Accelerates reparative processes in mucous membranes
Third month
for the treatment of hemorrhoids
267.00 €
Revilab ML 03 Strengthen the vascular wall
Ardiliv Normalizes the work of the blood coagulation system
Calsil-Т Normalizes the work of the blood coagulation system
Vladonix №60 Immunocorrector
Ensil Increase antitumor immunity
Whole course
for the treatment of hemorrhoids
526.00 €
Revilab SL 01 Strengthen the vascular wal
Ardiliv Increase venous tone
Digemax Normalizes bowel function
Ventfort №60 Strengthen the vascular wall
Ardiliv Increase venous tone
Olecap Accelerates reparative processes in mucous membranes
Revilab ML 03 Strengthen the vascular wall
Ardiliv Normalizes the work of the blood coagulation system
Calsil-Т Normalizes the work of the blood coagulation system
Vladonix №60 Immunocorrector
Ensil Increase antitumor immunity
Nosaukums Daudzums Lietošanas norādījumi Darbības mehānisms
First month
Revilab SL 01 1  pak. 4-6 drops under the tongue in the morning Strengthen the vascular wal
Ardiliv 2  pak. 2 capsules (one in the morning and one in the tone afternoon) before meals Increase venous tone
Digemax 2  pak. 1 teaspoon 2 times a day before meals Normalizes bowel function
Second month
Ventfort №60 1  pak. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Strengthen the vascular wall
Ardiliv 2  pak. 2 capsules daily before meals (morning / afternoon) Increase venous tone
Olecap 2  pak. 1 capsule 2 times a day during the meals Accelerates reparative processes in mucous membranes
Third month
Revilab ML 03 1  pak. 1 capsule before meals in the morning Strengthen the vascular wall
Ardiliv 2  pak. 2 capsules daily before meals (morning / afternoon) Normalizes the work of the blood coagulation system
Calsil-Т 3  pak. 2 tablets daily with meals Normalizes the work of the blood coagulation system
Vladonix №60 1  pak. 1 capsule 1 time daily before meals Immunocorrector
Ensil 1  pak. 1 capsule 3 times daily before meals Increase antitumor immunity
Whole course
Revilab SL 01 1  pak. 4-6 drops under the tongue in the morning Strengthen the vascular wal
Ardiliv 2  pak. 2 capsules (one in the morning and one in the tone afternoon) before meals Increase venous tone
Digemax 2  pak. 1 teaspoon 2 times a day before meals Normalizes bowel function
Ventfort №60 1  pak. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Strengthen the vascular wall
Ardiliv 2  pak. 2 capsules daily before meals (morning / afternoon) Increase venous tone
Olecap 2  pak. 1 capsule 2 times a day during the meals Accelerates reparative processes in mucous membranes
Revilab ML 03 1  pak. 1 capsule before meals in the morning Strengthen the vascular wall
Ardiliv 2  pak. 2 capsules daily before meals (morning / afternoon) Normalizes the work of the blood coagulation system
Calsil-Т 3  pak. 2 tablets daily with meals Normalizes the work of the blood coagulation system
Vladonix №60 1  pak. 1 capsule 1 time daily before meals Immunocorrector
Ensil 1  pak. 1 capsule 3 times daily before meals Increase antitumor immunity