Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Kursa apraksts

for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

The isolated peptides regulate neuroendocrine processes, have an anti-autoimmune effect, slow down the rate of degeneration of the nervous tissue, have an anti-autoimmune effect and improve the transmission of nerve impulses.

First month
for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
225.00 €
Revilab SL 03 6-7 drops under the tongue 1 time in 3 days in the morning
Церлутен №60 Slows down the rate of nerve tissue degeneration
Revifort Anti-autoimmune action
Mesotel Tabs Regulates the transmission of nerve impulse
Second month
for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
197.00 €
Церлутен №60 Slows down the rate of nerve tissue degeneration
Revifort Anti-autoimmune action
Mesotel Tabs Regulates the transmission of nerve impulses
Third month
for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
178.00 €
Revilab ML 03 Slows down the rate of neuronal degeneration
Mesotel Improves oxygenation of brain cells and conduction of nerve impulses
Olecap Source of phospholipids
Revimite Source of B vitamins
Ensil Source of vitamins, antioxidants, coenzymes
Fourth month
for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
178.00 €
Revilab ML 03 Slows down the rate of neuronal degeneration
Mesotel Improves oxygenation of brain cells and conduction of nerve impulses
Olecap Source of phospholipids
Revimite Source of B vitamins
Ensil Source of vitamins, antioxidants, coenzymes
Whole course
for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
778.00 €
Revilab SL 03 6-7 drops under the tongue 1 time in 3 days in the morning
Церлутен №60 Slows down the rate of nerve tissue degeneration
Revifort Anti-autoimmune action
Mesotel Tabs Regulates the transmission of nerve impulse
Церлутен №60 Slows down the rate of nerve tissue degeneration
Revifort Anti-autoimmune action
Mesotel Tabs Regulates the transmission of nerve impulses
Revilab ML 03 Slows down the rate of neuronal degeneration
Mesotel Improves oxygenation of brain cells and conduction of nerve impulses
Olecap Source of phospholipids
Revimite Source of B vitamins
Ensil Source of vitamins, antioxidants, coenzymes
Revilab ML 03 Slows down the rate of neuronal degeneration
Mesotel Improves oxygenation of brain cells and conduction of nerve impulses
Olecap Source of phospholipids
Revimite Source of B vitamins
Ensil Source of vitamins, antioxidants, coenzymes
Nosaukums Daudzums Lietošanas norādījumi Darbības mehānisms
First month
Revilab SL 03 1  pak. 6-7 drops under the tongue 1 time in 3 days in the morning 6-7 drops under the tongue 1 time in 3 days in the morning
Церлутен №60 1  pak. 1 capsule before meals in the morning Slows down the rate of nerve tissue degeneration
Revifort 1  pak. 2 capsules before meals in the afternoon Anti-autoimmune action
Mesotel Tabs 1  pak. 1 tablet before meals in the morning Regulates the transmission of nerve impulse
Second month
Церлутен №60 1  pak. 1 capsule before meals in the morning Slows down the rate of nerve tissue degeneration
Revifort 1  pak. 2 capsules before meals in the afternoon Anti-autoimmune action
Mesotel Tabs 1  pak. 1 tablet before meals in the morning Regulates the transmission of nerve impulses
Third month
Revilab ML 03 1  pak. 1 capsule before meals in the morning Slows down the rate of neuronal degeneration
Mesotel 1  pak. 1 teaspoon before noon Improves oxygenation of brain cells and conduction of nerve impulses
Olecap 2  pak. 1 capsule 2 times a day with meals Source of phospholipids
Revimite 1  pak. 1 teaspoon 1-2 times a day Source of B vitamins
Ensil 1  pak. 1 capsule 3 times a day Source of vitamins, antioxidants, coenzymes
Fourth month
Revilab ML 03 1  pak. 1 capsule before meals in the morning Slows down the rate of neuronal degeneration
Mesotel 1  pak. 1 teaspoon before noon Improves oxygenation of brain cells and conduction of nerve impulses
Olecap 2  pak. 1 capsule 2 times a day with meals Source of phospholipids
Revimite 1  pak. 1 teaspoon 1-2 times a day Source of B vitamins
Ensil 1  pak. 1 capsule 3 times a day Source of vitamins, antioxidants, coenzymes
Whole course
Revilab SL 03 1  pak. 6-7 drops under the tongue 1 time in 3 days in the morning 6-7 drops under the tongue 1 time in 3 days in the morning
Церлутен №60 1  pak. 1 capsule before meals in the morning Slows down the rate of nerve tissue degeneration
Revifort 1  pak. 2 capsules before meals in the afternoon Anti-autoimmune action
Mesotel Tabs 1  pak. 1 tablet before meals in the morning Regulates the transmission of nerve impulse
Церлутен №60 1  pak. 1 capsule before meals in the morning Slows down the rate of nerve tissue degeneration
Revifort 1  pak. 2 capsules before meals in the afternoon Anti-autoimmune action
Mesotel Tabs 1  pak. 1 tablet before meals in the morning Regulates the transmission of nerve impulses
Revilab ML 03 1  pak. 1 capsule before meals in the morning Slows down the rate of neuronal degeneration
Mesotel 1  pak. 1 teaspoon before noon Improves oxygenation of brain cells and conduction of nerve impulses
Olecap 2  pak. 1 capsule 2 times a day with meals Source of phospholipids
Revimite 1  pak. 1 teaspoon 1-2 times a day Source of B vitamins
Ensil 1  pak. 1 capsule 3 times a day Source of vitamins, antioxidants, coenzymes
Revilab ML 03 1  pak. 1 capsule before meals in the morning Slows down the rate of neuronal degeneration
Mesotel 1  pak. 1 teaspoon before noon Improves oxygenation of brain cells and conduction of nerve impulses
Olecap 2  pak. 1 capsule 2 times a day with meals Source of phospholipids
Revimite 1  pak. 1 teaspoon 1-2 times a day Source of B vitamins
Ensil 1  pak. 1 capsule 3 times a day Source of vitamins, antioxidants, coenzymes