The initial stages of prolapse of the pelvic organs

Kursa apraksts

First month
For the urinary system
56.00 €
Revilab SL 03
Revilab SL 10 Improves bladder function
Second month
For the urinary system
273.00 €
Читомур №60 Improves bladder function
Zhenoluten №60 Improves ovarian function
Endoluten №20 Regulates hormonal status
Third month
For the urinary system
65.00 €
Femalin Improves the functioning of the genitourinary system
Mesotel Neo Antioxidant action, increased libido
Peptide Complex №15 Improves kidney and bladder function
Fourth month
For the urinary system
139.00 €
Mesotel Neo Antioxidant action, increased libido
Femalin Improves the functioning of the genitourinary system
Peptide Complex №15 Improves kidney and bladder function
Revilab ML 08 Improves bladder function
Whole course
For the urinary system
533.00 €
Revilab SL 03
Revilab SL 10 Improves bladder function
Mesotel Neo Antioxidant action, increased libido
Читомур №60 Improves bladder function
Femalin Improves the functioning of the genitourinary system
Zhenoluten №60 Improves ovarian function
Endoluten №20 Regulates hormonal status
Mesotel Neo Antioxidant action, increased libido
Peptide Complex №15 Improves kidney and bladder function
Femalin Improves the functioning of the genitourinary system
Peptide Complex №15 Improves kidney and bladder function
Revilab ML 08 Improves bladder function
Nosaukums Daudzums Lietošanas norādījumi Darbības mehānisms
First month
Revilab SL 03 1  pak. 4-6 капель утром под язык 1 раз в 3 дня
Revilab SL 10 1  pak. 4-6 drops 1 time in 3 days in the morning Improves bladder function
Second month
Читомур №60 1  pak. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Improves bladder function
Zhenoluten №60 1  pak. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Improves ovarian function
Endoluten №20 1  pak. 1 capsule before meals in the morning 1 time in 3 days(for 3 months) Regulates hormonal status
Third month
Femalin 1  pak. 1 capsule in the morning before meals Improves the functioning of the genitourinary system
Mesotel Neo 1  pak. 1 teaspoon in the morning before meals Antioxidant action, increased libido
Peptide Complex №15 1  pak. 6 drops externally 1 time a day Improves kidney and bladder function
Fourth month
Mesotel Neo 1  pak. 1 teaspoon in the morning before meals Antioxidant action, increased libido
Femalin 1  pak. 1 capsule in the morning before meals Improves the functioning of the genitourinary system
Peptide Complex №15 1  pak. 6 drops externally 1 time a day Improves kidney and bladder function
Revilab ML 08 1  pak. 1 capsule in the morning 1 time in 3 days Improves bladder function
Whole course
Revilab SL 03 1  pak. 4-6 капель утром под язык 1 раз в 3 дня
Revilab SL 10 1  pak. 4-6 drops 1 time in 3 days in the morning Improves bladder function
Mesotel Neo 1  pak. 1 teaspoon in the morning before meals Antioxidant action, increased libido
Читомур №60 1  pak. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Improves bladder function
Femalin 1  pak. 1 capsule in the morning before meals Improves the functioning of the genitourinary system
Zhenoluten №60 1  pak. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Improves ovarian function
Endoluten №20 1  pak. 1 capsule before meals in the morning 1 time in 3 days(for 3 months) Regulates hormonal status
Mesotel Neo 1  pak. 1 teaspoon in the morning before meals Antioxidant action, increased libido
Peptide Complex №15 1  pak. 6 drops externally 1 time a day Improves kidney and bladder function
Femalin 1  pak. 1 capsule in the morning before meals Improves the functioning of the genitourinary system
Peptide Complex №15 1  pak. 6 drops externally 1 time a day Improves kidney and bladder function
Revilab ML 08 1  pak. 1 capsule in the morning 1 time in 3 days Improves bladder function