
Course description

for the prevention of cancer

The isolated peptides have a powerful antitumor effect, antitoxic and immunomodulatory effects, regulate the functions of the neuroendocrine and immune systems.

NOTE: Cancer prophylaxis take 2 times a year.
First month
for the prevention of cancer
295.00 €
Endoluten №20 Peptide of the pineal gland have a powerful antitumor effect
Vladonix №60 Immunorestaurator
Panaxod SOD source, oncoprotector and antioxidant
Ensil Antioxidant, membrane stabilizer
Mesotel Neo Antioxidant, neuro- and hepatoprotector
Ardiliv Hepato- and angioprotector, source of DHQ and resveratrol
Second month
for the prevention of cancer
183.00 €
Temero Genero Regulate the functions of the neuroendocrine and immune systems Immune restorer
Imusil Immune restorer
Indosine Oncoprotector based on indole-3-carbinol, catalase and SOD
Complex 3R Q10 complex, DHQ and resveratrol
Mesotel Tabs Antioxidant

478.00 €
Endoluten №20 Peptide of the pineal gland have a powerful antitumor effect
Vladonix №60 Immunorestaurator
Panaxod SOD source, oncoprotector and antioxidant
Ensil Antioxidant, membrane stabilizer
Mesotel Neo Antioxidant, neuro- and hepatoprotector
Ardiliv Hepato- and angioprotector, source of DHQ and resveratrol
Temero Genero Regulate the functions of the neuroendocrine and immune systems Immune restorer
Imusil Immune restorer
Indosine Oncoprotector based on indole-3-carbinol, catalase and SOD
Complex 3R Q10 complex, DHQ and resveratrol
Mesotel Tabs Antioxidant
Title Quantity Directions for use Mechanism of action
First month
Endoluten №20 1  packs. 1 capsule in the morning before meals 1 time in 3 days Peptide of the pineal gland have a powerful antitumor effect
Vladonix №60 1  packs. 1-2 capsules in the morning before meals Immunorestaurator
Panaxod 1  packs. 2 capsules daily before meals SOD source, oncoprotector and antioxidant
Ensil 1  packs. 1 capsule 3 times a day Antioxidant, membrane stabilizer
Mesotel Neo 1  packs. 1 teaspoon in the morning before meals Antioxidant, neuro- and hepatoprotector
Ardiliv 2  packs. 1 capsule 2 times a day before meals (morning and afternoon) Hepato- and angioprotector, source of DHQ and resveratrol
Second month
Temero Genero 1  packs. 1 tablet in the morning 1 tablet in the evening Regulate the functions of the neuroendocrine and immune systems Immune restorer
Imusil 3  packs. 2 capsules a day Immune restorer
Indosine 1  packs. 1 tablet daily before meals Oncoprotector based on indole-3-carbinol, catalase and SOD
Complex 3R 2  packs. 2 tablets before meals in the morning Q10 complex, DHQ and resveratrol
Mesotel Tabs 1  packs. 1 tablet before meals in the morning Antioxidant
Endoluten №20 1  packs. 1 capsule in the morning before meals 1 time in 3 days Peptide of the pineal gland have a powerful antitumor effect
Vladonix №60 1  packs. 1-2 capsules in the morning before meals Immunorestaurator
Panaxod 1  packs. 2 capsules daily before meals SOD source, oncoprotector and antioxidant
Ensil 1  packs. 1 capsule 3 times a day Antioxidant, membrane stabilizer
Mesotel Neo 1  packs. 1 teaspoon in the morning before meals Antioxidant, neuro- and hepatoprotector
Ardiliv 2  packs. 1 capsule 2 times a day before meals (morning and afternoon) Hepato- and angioprotector, source of DHQ and resveratrol
Temero Genero 1  packs. 1 tablet in the morning 1 tablet in the evening Regulate the functions of the neuroendocrine and immune systems Immune restorer
Imusil 3  packs. 2 capsules a day Immune restorer
Indosine 1  packs. 1 tablet daily before meals Oncoprotector based on indole-3-carbinol, catalase and SOD
Complex 3R 2  packs. 2 tablets before meals in the morning Q10 complex, DHQ and resveratrol
Mesotel Tabs 1  packs. 1 tablet before meals in the morning Antioxidant