Dyspepsia, enterocolitis

Course description

for the treatment of enterocolitis and dyspepsia

The isolated peptides contribute to the regeneration of the gastrointestinal mucosa, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, improve the growth of normal microflora, compensate for the deficiency of iron, vitamins, organic acids

First month
for the treatment of enterocolitis and dyspepsia
106.00 €
Revilab ML 06 Promotes regeneration gastrointestinal mucosa
Digemax Normalizes the digestive tract
Second month
for the treatment of enterocolitis and dyspepsia
345.00 €
Set «Stamakort» N60 + «Revilab Sl 05» Promotes regeneration gastrointestinal mucosa
Супрефорт №60 Promotes regeneration gastrointestinal mucosa
Svetinorm №60 Promotes regeneration gastrointestinal mucosa
Pangluin Normalizes the work of the pancreas
Ardiliv Normalizes the work of the biliary tract
Third month
for the treatment of enterocolitis and dyspepsia
119.00 €
Peptide Complex №16 Promotes regeneration of the mucous membrane
Imusil Improves the growth of normal microflora
Revimite Replenishes the deficiency of iron, vitamins, organic acids
Calsil-Т Replenishes mineral deficiencies in particular calcium deficiency resulting from diarrhea
Whole course
for the treatment of enterocolitis and dyspepsia
570.00 €
Revilab ML 06 Promotes regeneration gastrointestinal mucosa
Digemax Normalizes the digestive tract
Set «Stamakort» N60 + «Revilab Sl 05» Promotes regeneration gastrointestinal mucosa
Супрефорт №60 Promotes regeneration gastrointestinal mucosa
Svetinorm №60 Promotes regeneration gastrointestinal mucosa
Pangluin Normalizes the work of the pancreas
Ardiliv Normalizes the work of the biliary tract
Peptide Complex №16 Promotes regeneration of the mucous membrane
Imusil Improves the growth of normal microflora
Revimite Replenishes the deficiency of iron, vitamins, organic acids
Calsil-Т Replenishes mineral deficiencies in particular calcium deficiency resulting from diarrhea
Title Quantity Directions for use Mechanism of action
First month
Revilab ML 06 1  packs. 1 capsule before meals in the morning Promotes regeneration gastrointestinal mucosa
Digemax 2  packs. 1 teaspoon 2 times a day before meals Normalizes the digestive tract
Second month
Set «Stamakort» N60 + «Revilab Sl 05» 1  packs. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Promotes regeneration gastrointestinal mucosa
Супрефорт №60 1  packs. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Promotes regeneration gastrointestinal mucosa
Svetinorm №60 1  packs. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Promotes regeneration gastrointestinal mucosa
Pangluin 1  packs. 1 teaspoon before meals in the morning Normalizes the work of the pancreas
Ardiliv 2  packs. 2 capsules daily before meals (morning / afternoon) Normalizes the work of the biliary tract
Third month
Peptide Complex №16 1  packs. 6 drops externally 1 time a day Promotes regeneration of the mucous membrane
Imusil 3  packs. 1 capsule 2 times daily Improves the growth of normal microflora
Revimite 1  packs. 1 tablespoon 1-2 times daily Replenishes the deficiency of iron, vitamins, organic acids
Calsil-Т 3  packs. 2 tablets before meals in the evening Replenishes mineral deficiencies in particular calcium deficiency resulting from diarrhea
Whole course
Revilab ML 06 1  packs. 1 capsule before meals in the morning Promotes regeneration gastrointestinal mucosa
Digemax 2  packs. 1 teaspoon 2 times a day before meals Normalizes the digestive tract
Set «Stamakort» N60 + «Revilab Sl 05» 1  packs. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Promotes regeneration gastrointestinal mucosa
Супрефорт №60 1  packs. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Promotes regeneration gastrointestinal mucosa
Svetinorm №60 1  packs. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Promotes regeneration gastrointestinal mucosa
Pangluin 1  packs. 1 teaspoon before meals in the morning Normalizes the work of the pancreas
Ardiliv 2  packs. 2 capsules daily before meals (morning / afternoon) Normalizes the work of the biliary tract
Peptide Complex №16 1  packs. 6 drops externally 1 time a day Promotes regeneration of the mucous membrane
Imusil 3  packs. 1 capsule 2 times daily Improves the growth of normal microflora
Revimite 1  packs. 1 tablespoon 1-2 times daily Replenishes the deficiency of iron, vitamins, organic acids
Calsil-Т 3  packs. 2 tablets before meals in the evening Replenishes mineral deficiencies in particular calcium deficiency resulting from diarrhea