Stress, chronic fatigue syndrome

Course description

to relieve stress and fatigue

The isolated peptides regulate the synthesis of serotonin / melatonin, the functioning of the neuroendocrine system, have an anti-stress, tonic and anti-toxic effect, regulate the work of the central nervous system, regulate the immune status, the work of brain cells, heart and blood vessels.

First month
to relieve stress and fatigue
114.00 €
Ardiliv Antitoxic action
Mesotel Beauty Regulates the central nervous system
Panaxod Superoxide dismutase source (antioxidant)
Revilab SL 02 Restores the functions of the central nervous system
Second month
to relieve stress and fatigue
161.00 €
Endoluten №20 Regulates the synthesis of serotonin / melatonin, the function of the neuroendocrine system
Ardiliv Antitoxic action
Mesotel Beauty Regulates the central nervous system
Panaxod Superoxide dismutase source (antioxidant)
Third month
to relieve stress and fatigue
358.00 €
Vladonix №60 Regulates immune status
Церлутен №60 Regulates the function of the brain cells
Ventfort №60 Regulates the work of the heart and blood vessels
Mesotel Neo Anti-stress and tonic effect
Complex 3D A source of antioxidants and dihydroquercetin
Fourth month
to relieve stress and fatigue
81.00 €
Mesotel Neo Regulates the work of the central nervous system
Temero Genero Regulates neuroendocrine and immune processes
Revilab SL 02 Restores the functions of the central nervous system
Whole course
to relieve stress and fatigue
714.00 €
Ardiliv Antitoxic action
Mesotel Beauty Regulates the central nervous system
Panaxod Superoxide dismutase source (antioxidant)
Endoluten №20 Regulates the synthesis of serotonin / melatonin, the function of the neuroendocrine system
Ardiliv Antitoxic action
Mesotel Beauty Regulates the central nervous system
Panaxod Superoxide dismutase source (antioxidant)
Vladonix №60 Regulates immune status
Церлутен №60 Regulates the function of the brain cells
Ventfort №60 Regulates the work of the heart and blood vessels
Mesotel Neo Anti-stress and tonic effect
Complex 3D A source of antioxidants and dihydroquercetin
Mesotel Neo Regulates the work of the central nervous system
Temero Genero Regulates neuroendocrine and immune processes
Revilab SL 02 Restores the functions of the central nervous system
Revilab SL 02 Restores the functions of the central nervous system
Title Quantity Directions for use Mechanism of action
First month
Ardiliv 2  packs. 2 capsules daily before meals Antitoxic action
Mesotel Beauty 1  packs. 1 teaspoon before noon Regulates the central nervous system
Panaxod 1  packs. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Superoxide dismutase source (antioxidant)
Revilab SL 02 1  packs. 4-6 drops under the tongue in the morning Restores the functions of the central nervous system
Second month
Endoluten №20 1  packs. 1 capsule before meals once in 3 days in the morning (for 2 months) Regulates the synthesis of serotonin / melatonin, the function of the neuroendocrine system
Ardiliv 2  packs. 2 capsules daily before meals Antitoxic action
Mesotel Beauty 1  packs. 1 teaspoon before noon Regulates the central nervous system
Panaxod 1  packs. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Superoxide dismutase source (antioxidant)
Third month
Vladonix №60 1  packs. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Regulates immune status
Церлутен №60 1  packs. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Regulates the function of the brain cells
Ventfort №60 1  packs. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Regulates the work of the heart and blood vessels
Mesotel Neo 1  packs. 1 teaspoon before noon Anti-stress and tonic effect
Complex 3D 1  packs. 1 capsule 2 times a day A source of antioxidants and dihydroquercetin
Fourth month
Mesotel Neo 1  packs. 1 teaspoon before noon Regulates the work of the central nervous system
Temero Genero 1  packs. 1 tablet before meals in the morning 1 tablet before meals in the evening Regulates neuroendocrine and immune processes
Revilab SL 02 1  packs. 4-6 drops under the tongue in the morning Restores the functions of the central nervous system
Whole course
Ardiliv 2  packs. 2 capsules daily before meals Antitoxic action
Mesotel Beauty 1  packs. 1 teaspoon before noon Regulates the central nervous system
Panaxod 1  packs. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Superoxide dismutase source (antioxidant)
Endoluten №20 1  packs. 1 capsule before meals once in 3 days in the morning (for 2 months) Regulates the synthesis of serotonin / melatonin, the function of the neuroendocrine system
Ardiliv 2  packs. 2 capsules daily before meals Antitoxic action
Mesotel Beauty 1  packs. 1 teaspoon before noon Regulates the central nervous system
Panaxod 1  packs. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Superoxide dismutase source (antioxidant)
Vladonix №60 1  packs. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Regulates immune status
Церлутен №60 1  packs. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Regulates the function of the brain cells
Ventfort №60 1  packs. 2 capsules before meals in the morning Regulates the work of the heart and blood vessels
Mesotel Neo 1  packs. 1 teaspoon before noon Anti-stress and tonic effect
Complex 3D 1  packs. 1 capsule 2 times a day A source of antioxidants and dihydroquercetin
Mesotel Neo 1  packs. 1 teaspoon before noon Regulates the work of the central nervous system
Temero Genero 1  packs. 1 tablet before meals in the morning 1 tablet before meals in the evening Regulates neuroendocrine and immune processes
Revilab SL 02 1  packs. 4-6 drops under the tongue in the morning Restores the functions of the central nervous system
Revilab SL 02 1  packs. 4-6 drops under the tongue in the morning Restores the functions of the central nervous system