Gelmigon - Help in fighting against parasites.

2 packs per course
Article code: 7210132
15.00 € 0.00 €

A new generation of antiparasitic drugs

Complex preparation based on vegetable raw materials. It has a broad spectrum of antiparasitic activities. Gelmigon is made from herbs. It enhances the body’s resistance and does not cause damage to health.


  • parasitic infestations of various localization
  • allergies
  • immunodeficiencies
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • abnormal liver function
  • impairment of the function of the gastrointestinal tract

anise seeds , horsetail herb , ginger root , cloves, buckthorn bark , garlic , cinnamon, plantain leaf ; extracts : embliki fruit, licorice root , walnut leaves , fenugreek seeds and yarrow .

Auxiliary materials : MCC or lactose , calcium stearate .

Recommended as a source of glycyrrhizic acid , tannins and flavonoids containing allicin and essential oils.

Seeds of anise

Since ancient times, the inhabitants of Greece, Rome used the fruit of the plant for appetite. It was believed that the smell normalizes sleep, making it strong and calm, relieves insomnia. In Ayurveda, anise was part of the antiparasitic formulations. Currently, anise tea is very popular, it is used to relieve spasms in bronchitis, used it as an expectorant to relieve asthma attacks. The tea is useful in diseases of the respiratory tract, help get rid of whooping cough, tracheitis, laryngitis.

Preparations on the basis of the plant is used as an analgesic, disinfectant, diaphoretic, antipyretic. Anise can significantly improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract, to enhance peristalsis.

Anise seeds are often used for the treatment of gastritis, to get rid of bloating, constipation, treat diseases of the stomach and intestines.

A decoction of seeds of the plant is used for intestinal bleeding, treat inflammation, reduce pain during menstruation.

Infusion of seeds used in diseases of the liver and pancreas. It is used for getting rid of pneumonia, shortness of breath, asthma, laryngitis, tracheitis.

The herb horsetail
Horsetail has a wide range of medicinal properties has on the body restorative and cleansing action, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antihelminthic, diuretic, wound healing, astringent. In addition, the plant increases blood clotting, providing a hemostatic effect. But that's not all, have a lot of horsetail healing properties inherent in the very few herbs: strengthens the immune properties of the body, strengthens the walls of blood vessels (so horsetail grass is recommended for atherosclerosis of the heart and brain);- Excrete salt, toxins, there is evidence that horsetail brings even radioactive nucleotides, which is extremely important for people in the zone of increased radiation. A valuable feature of horsetail is that it improves the water-salt metabolism, prevents the formation of urinary stones. But this is not yet limited range of curative action of horsetail, which is also good vitamins means. The use of horsetail gives good results in gall and kidney stones. Horsetail has a bracing effect of tuberculosis. It also has hypotensive action, that is, lowers blood pressure, and therefore, it is used for hypertension, it is effective in cardiovascular disease, edema (horsetail in these cases is used as a diuretic), and internal and external bleeding. Since horsetail improves the water-salt metabolism, it is used to treat gout, dropsy. Horsetail is very good for diseases such as inflammation of the bladder, jaundice, atonic uterus, ocular inflammatory diseases, acute and chronic lead poisoning, heavy menstruation, skin diseases (lichen, eczema), swelling and other congestion on the ground of insufficient blood circulation and kidney diseases, ulcers, bowel, Addison's disease, sciatica, headaches, inflammation and ulcerative processes in the mucosa of the mouth, deficiency diseases, liver diseases.


The most important component of cloves is eugenol - clove oil. That gives it a particular flavor spices. And connected with it healing properties of this spice. Carnation and, in particular, clove oil has analgesic, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, diaphoretic, diuretic. It is widely used in dentistry carnation: with pulpitis, caries, periodontal disease, lesions of the oral mucosa has anti-inflammatory effect.

Due to the antimicrobial action of clove eliminates diarrhea in intestinal infections, improves digestion, reduces gas in the bowel loops. Eugenol contained in the cloves, is a powerful antiseptic, effective against the pathogenic bacteria and worming. Widely used for antiparasitic treatment.

Carnation eliminates muscle cramps and diaphragmatic - excellent helps with hiccups. Clove has a unique effect in the gynecological field. Even in ancient times, clove oil used to enhance the efficiency of labor and any attempts at delivery. Besides cloves, increasing the tone of the uterus, eliminates sluggish, scanty menstruation cycle normalizes, and, more importantly, increases sexual arousal. This spice has established itself as the perfect remedy for arthritis, arthritis, injuries. Broth treat eye diseases cloves.

Buckthorn bark
Typically, buckthorn bark is used as a mild laxative (decoction acts in 8-10 hours). Formulations plants enhance peristalsis, but it does not irritate the mucous membranes. Most take a decoction for chronic constipation and intestinal atony. In folk medicine, a decoction is used to wash the eczema,. and a decoction of the fruit - for the treatment of various skin diseases, abrasions and carbunculosis. Powder crushed fruit treat anemia, dropsy and diarrhea.


Thanks to its rich and personnel, garlic exhibits gastrointestinal, diuretic, diaphoretic, cardiovascular properties. Garlic can lower blood pressure, and has analgesic, wound healing, antimicrobial, antihelminthic, anti-toxic, preventing onkoobrazovaniyam and anti-toxic action. Garlic is very useful for beriberi. Also Garlic contains selenium, which is known antioxidant properties.

Garlic contains more than four different mineral components, including a plurality of antioxidants which have a number of positive therapeutic properties. Garlic lowers cholesterol, thins the blood, lower blood pressure, anti-inflammatory action. Garlic counteracts aging and clogging is not only important, but also the peripheral arteries. The therapeutic effect may be achieved with a daily intake of two to three heads of garlic.

Garlic thins the blood and is a natural antibiotic. It is very important chtochesnok very well strengthen the immune system than most increases the body's ability to resist the harmful effects of the environment. Garlic kills a large number and variety of bacteria.

Cinnamon helps to improve the digestive process, causing appetite, strengthens the stomach. It is used as a stimulant, tonic and antiseptic, with dyscirculatory and ischemic disorders. This is an excellent diaphoretic and expectorant for SARS and influenza. It weakens the tooth and muscle pain. Stems of cinnamon is used as an antipyretic, analgesic agent for renal and hepatic colic. They increase gastric acid secretion, have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. They are used in rheumatism, influenza, at a delay of menstruation, occurring pain.

Plantain leaves

Infusion of the leaves of the plantain has expectorant effect and is used as an aid in bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma, tuberculosis.

The juice from fresh leaves of the plantain is effective in chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer with normal or low acidity of gastric juice. Patients say the treatment of the juice of plantain reduction or disappearance of pain and dyspeptic symptoms, improvement in appetite. By the end of treatment disappear muscle tension and soreness of the abdominal wall to palpation, spasticity in large intestine, increases the acidity of gastric juice.

The presence of volatile production in the plant results in antimicrobial action of plantain.

Fruits embliki
Fruits - the richest natural source of vitamin C, contains cytokinins: zeatin, zeatin riboside, zeatinnukleotid alkaloids - emblikan A and B. The fruit embliki emblikan promote salivation and whet the appetite, have a cooling, antipyretic, diuretic and laxative properties. Dried fruits are useful in hemorrhage, diarrhea and dysentery. It turns antiparasitic, anabolic, antibacterial and stimulating the body's defenses action. An expectorant, cardiotonic, antipyretic, antioxidant, antiviral and anti-emetic activity. They are also used for the treatment of atherosclerosis and cables. Thanks to antibacterial and astringent properties of the plant prevents infection and promotes healing of ulcers. Alkaloids belonging to the embliki effectively bind heavy metals. It is used as a laxative for hemorrhoids.

Liquorice root
Medicinal properties of licorice are due to the content of saponins, which when exposed to the human body irritate the mucous membranes in the human body, which helps stimulate the respiratory and digestive organs. It should be noted that recent studies have shown the content of substances in licorice, similar in composition and claims the steroid hormones. These hormones are produced by the adrenal glands naturally and have potent anti-inflammatory effect. The medicinal properties of licorice are described in ancient monuments of Oriental Medicine, which date back several thousand years before our era. For thousands of years, Chinese doctors attributed licorice drug effectiveness of the highest category, including its almost all medicinal drugs. Licorice - not only in itself a great drug, but also a wonderful catalyst for stimulating the healing action of other substances. Tibetan healers considered the main component of licorice root means to longevity.

The leaves of walnut
Green leaves of walnut - proven antiparasitic agents, used since the days of Hippocrates, Dioscorides, Avicenna. Modern parasitologists consider them among the most effective means against a broad spectrum of parasites (helminths, protozoa, bacteria, viruses). Why? On the one hand, leaf, "Tree of Life" is a unique immunnokorrektorami, able to "tune" the body's own forces to fight the "invaders." On the other hand, they comprise a large number of very rare natural substance - glycoside juglone. In other species the substance was not found. Juglone affect the processes of respiration and energy metabolism of parasites (blocks enzymes that are essential for energy production), and as a result they die. Even at relatively low concentrations it inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms without harming the natural microflora of the organism, that can be used the leaves and pericarp extract in the food industry as a preservative in soft drinks. For a man this stuff is safe.

 Fenugreek seeds
Dissolves and softens the thickened mass of mucus, facilitates the removal of toxic products through the lymphatic system. The seeds are used to produce drugs, possessing anti-sclerotic action. Shambhala feeds blood cells, bone marrow, nerves, and reproductive organs. It is very useful during convalescence and for general strengthening of the body. The powdered fenugreek seeds may be taken as a tonic in osteomyelitis, tuberculosis and skrofulёze (scrofula). Especially useful in the case of Shambhala diseases associated with lack of nutrients: anemia, underdevelopment, neurasthenia. Fenugreek seeds contain diosgenin, similar to the female sex hormone estrogen. In large quantities, fenugreek acts as a stimulant, promoting menstruation. Fenugreek reduces cholesterol - proved that fenugreek seeds reduce cholesterol and fats in the blood and inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis in the liver. Many studies have found that these effects are caused by galactomannan contained in seeds (fenugreek gum). Polysaccharides or dietary fibers tend to have the effect of lowering cholesterol levels, and fenugreek is distinctive because of the fact that also has the effect of lowering the blood sugar level. Fenugreek seeds are recommended for: dysentery, indigestion, chronic cough, allergic diseases, bronchitis, flu, edema, dental pain, neurasthenia, arthritis, sciatica. Assign fenugreek seeds with a significant loss of body weight, after a major operation, especially on the organs of the gastro - intestinal tract, tuberculosis. Shambhala use in parasitic infestations, diseases of the lungs, colds, coughs, as a coating for gastric diseases, like stimulating the appetite, with a deficiency of vitamin PP, for diseases of the spleen.

Grass Yarrow has multilateral pharmacological properties, due to the presence in the medicinal raw materials of various biologically active compounds. It exerts a spasmolytic effect on smooth muscles of the intestines, the urinary and biliary tracts, and therefore extends the bile ducts and increases bile secretion into the duodenum, and also increases diuresis and may stop pain caused by spasms in the intestines. These properties of the plant associated with the content in flavonoids and essential oils. In connection with a bitter taste ahillein yarrow closure irritating taste nerves and increases the secretion of gastric juice. Grass Yarrow, in addition, reduces flatulence. The content in the plant tannins, essential oil and chamazulene are due to anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-allergic and wound healing properties of yarrow. Infusion of yarrow increases blood clotting, which is manifested in shortening the time recalcification oxalate plasma, increasing the tolerance of the plasma to heparin, heparin decrease the time. On the fibrinolytic activity of the blood infusion of yarrow acts poorly defined, which may be associated with sharp fluctuations in blood fibrinolytic activity in laboratory animals. The concentration of Ac-globulin (V factor) and fibrin under the influence of yarrow tincture almost unchanged. Hemostatic mechanism of action of drugs of yarrow is somewhat reminiscent of the participation of calcium ions in the blood clotting process. Preparations yarrow activating effect of fibrin, but never lead to the formation of blood clots.

Adults and children over 14 years: 1 capsule 2-3 times a day during meals . Course duration is 1 month. Possible to repeat the course 3-4 times a year .

P.S. We get good feedback when our customers use Gelmigon according to this scheme.
We recommend using Gelmigon as follows:

First week 2 caps in the morning + 2 at night;
Second - third week 1 in the morning + 1 at night.
Take 1 glass of water before meals;)

Best after a week or two after taking Ardiliv.
- Ardiliv 2*1 time daily before meals.

30 сapsulas of 0,4 gr

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